Where Lives are Being Transformed Through by the Word of God!
At Daisy Chapel Missionary Baptist Church located in Beulaville North Carolina (Duplin County), we know that inspiration opens hearts. An open heart is an open mind and an open mind is one that can practice tolerance, experience gratitude and feel the glory of God. It is our belief that God is present in all of us, but His active presence can only be felt through faith in Him. We are dedicated to the service of God and all his people, and our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our dwelling and our services. We invite you to become a part of our growing congregation.

Call to Worship: 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday @ 11:00 AM
Praise & Worship: 10:30 AM before church service
Sunday School: Every Sunday @ 9:30 AM
Bible Study: Every Wednesday @ 7:00 PM
Join by Conference Call 605-472-5695 Access Code 7389213 or Zoom - Meeting ID 383 781 9480
Prayer Conf Call: Every Wednesday @ 12:00 PM
605-472-5695 Access Code 7389213
To preach and teach God's word with boldness and effectiveness;
To introduce lost souls to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ;
To do missionary work in our communities, and abroad; and
To contribute to the renewing and transforming of lives.
Our Goal
Daisy Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
Where lives are being transformed through BY the word of God!

Ushers at Daisy Chapel MBC

Pastor of Daisy Chapel MBC Duplin County